While browsing around the Web today I came across this posting about the Codex Seraphianus, a possibly Borges inspired encyclopedia of a foreign world described in an unknown language by an Italian architect of the name Luigi Serafini while living in a small apartment in Rome.
Is the codex the product of a consuming passion or does it hold some other secret? Well, while so many are talking about Oprah and studying The Secret, I for one, think that the real secret may rest within these pages, a world which can be explored through Flickr.
In addition to Borges there is another connection to this city and the codex: Buenos Aires native Alberto Manguel who was present at the discovery of the codex.
July 13th, 2007 at 2:40 am
[…] Esa es la sensación que me deja el Codex Seraphinianus, al que he llegado gracias a un post de John Barry. El códice cuenta un mundo imaginario, ideado entre 1976 y 1978 por Luigi Serafini, un arquitecto […]
July 17th, 2007 at 4:34 pm
Such an interesting piece of art!