One of the blogs that I try to read every week is New Media Musings: Charting the rise of open, democratic, grassroots media. The author of that blog, J.D. Lasica was recently interviewed by La Nación. Not only does Lasica write a great blog about digital media but, more importantly, he is the co-founder and executive director of Ourmedia.
Ourmedia is a really exciting and, I think, important development in sustaining access to informative digital video created by ordinary people. From the Ourmedia FAQ:
What kinds of media will be part of Ourmedia?
Almost any kind of digital media. Ourmedia will consist of video (blog video, music videos, television-style reports, documentaries, underground films, grassroots political ads, animation, machinima), audio (interviews with authors, oral family histories, readings of properly licensed book chapters), original music, photographs, ebooks, games, software and more. You decide what goes up on the site.
Unlike YouTube, Ourmedia pays attention to copyright and intellectual property.
From the La Nación interview with Lasica:
Do you think that viral video sharing is a new headache for established media?
Viral video sharing is just the first wave of an important new trend: an increasing appetite by the public for home-grown voices and original programming. Viral video is a crude early manifestation of this. People will create more polished, sophisticated programming in the years ahead.
(I know that I keep intending to do more with the digital video that I have accumulated in my time during Buenos Aires.)
Since you’re reading a blog, you must have some interest in new media. So, go read the La Nación interview with Lasica, check out his blog, and Ourmedia, too. Lasica has made an English translation of the interview available on his blog.