I’ve been away from the blog for a good part of this last month. The first thing that consumed my time was a big move to another apartment. Then just after we moved in, I got sick with a nasty cold that kept me caughing and in bed for a week. That was miserable.

The new place is only 3 blocks away from the old one but it was still a lot of effort to get things packed, moved, and then unpacked. Here’s a photo:


We like the new place. I guess it qualifies as a loft since it’s just one large space with an upper floor of open space connected by a bridge. There’s a lot of metallic steps going up to the 2nd floor and then a spiral metal stairway up to the roof, which has a nice large terrace. I’m looking forward to using that in the summer.


The metal makes for a cool industrial look but isn’t so comfortable on my bare feet. Anyway, that’s a good excuse to buy some nice house shoes.

One of the nicest thing about the apartment is that it’s very quiet. Located away from the front of the building, there’s no more roar of the buses careening down the street like in the other place.

While the interior of the apartment is fairly new, the building itself is quite old, early 20th century. I’ll have some photos of the exterior on another day.

The neighbors seem nice and interesting: a couple of folclore musicians, a photographer, and a dancer.